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Part of the @remotion/media-utils package of helper functions.

This convienience function wraps the getAudioData() function into a hook and does 3 things:

  • Keeps the audio data in a state
  • Wraps the function in a delayRender() / continueRender() pattern.
  • Handles the case where the component gets unmounted while the fetching is in progress and a React error is thrown.

Using this function, you can elegantly render a component based on audio properties, for example together with the visualizeAudio() function.


Remote audio files need to support CORS.

More info
  • Remotion's origin is usually http://localhost:3000, but it may be different if rendering on Lambda or the port is busy.
  • You can use getAudioDurationInSeconds() without the audio needing CORS.
  • You can disable CORS during renders.



A string pointing to an audio asset.

Return value

AudioData | null - An object containing audio data (see documentation of getAudioData()) or null if the data has not been loaded.


import { useAudioData } from "@remotion/media-utils";
import music from "./music.mp3";
export const MyComponent: React.FC = () => {
const audioData = useAudioData(music);
if (!audioData) {
return null;
return <div>This file has a {audioData.sampleRate} sampleRate.</div>;
import { useAudioData } from "@remotion/media-utils";
import music from "./music.mp3";
export const MyComponent: React.FC = () => {
const audioData = useAudioData(music);
if (!audioData) {
return null;
return <div>This file has a {audioData.sampleRate} sampleRate.</div>;

See also